Back Issues | ||
Issue VOL/No. | Main Story Content | Year |
VOL 40 No.4 | UFOs Put On A Show In Brazil | Winter 1995 |
VOL 40 No.3 | UFOs Seen by Crew of an American Aircraft-Carrier (1952 - 1958) |
Autumn 1995 |
VOL 40 No.2 | The "Roswell" Film Footage. | Summer 1995 |
VOL 40 No.1 | Contacts between U.S. Presidents and Aliens (Part II). | Spring 1995 |
VOL 39 No.4 | Contacts between U.S. Presidents and Aliens (Part I). | Winter 1994 |
VOL 39 No.3 | Col Robert Dean on NATO Report. "We are in Contact with Several E.T. Civilisations." |
Autumn 1994 |
VOL 39 No.2 | Soviet U.F.O. Secrets. | Summer 1994 |
VOL 39 No.1 | Puerto Rico: An Area of Extraterrestrial Experimentation. | Spring 1994 |
VOL 38 No.4 | Afterthoughts: Are the Media Starting to go Mad Too? | Winter 1993 |
VOL 38 No.3 | The Extraordinary case of 'Elizabeth Richmond'. | Autumn 1993 |
VOL 38 No.2 | Linda's UFO Abduction: "The Case of the Century". | Summer 1993 |
VOL 38 No.1 | The Roestenberg Story (1954). | Spring 1993 |
VOL 37 No.4 | UFO Crash Retrievals: The Concept of Proof. | Winter 1992 |
VOL 37 No.3 | Update on the work of Bud Hopkins: An Electrifying New Abduction Report. |
Autumn 1992 |
VOL 37 No.2 | Aliens Amoung Us?: A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religeous Mode. |
Summer 1992 |
VOL 37 No.1 | The Kecksburg UFO Crash: An Interim Report. |
Spring 1992 |
VOL 36 No.4 | Chronicles of Deception: A Carefully Planned Government Hoax. |
Winter 1991 |
VOL 36 No.3 | Daylight UFO Photographs from Arkansas (1989). | Autumn 1991 |
VOL 36 No.2 | Mysterious Deaths of British Scientists and Intelligence Personnel | Summer 1991 |
VOL 36 No.1 | A Close Encounter with "Greenish Faced" Creatures In Poland in 1976. | Spring 1991 |
VOL 35 No.4 | Belgium Haunted by Huge Triangular Craft: Part II. | Winter 1990 |
VOL 35 No.3 | More Reports From Russia. | Autumn 1990 |
VOL 35 No.2 | UFO's Continue To Visit U.S. Nuclear Energy Sites. | Summer 1990 |
VOL 35 No.1 | Australia: On The UFO Trail: IV. | Spring 1990 |
VOL 34 No.4 | The UFO Landings at Voronezh. | Winter 1989 |
VOL 34 No.3 | Reports of Sightings and Landings in Central Russia. | Autumn 1989 |
VOL 34 No.2 | An Early Norwegian CE-III Case. | Summer 1989 |
VOL 34 No.1 | Report From British Columbia: An Emerging Epidemic? |
Spring 1989 |
VOL 33 No.4 | The Luminous Properties of UFO's. | Winter 1988 |
VOL 33 No.3 | A Brief Account of the True Nature of the UFO Entities. | Autumn 1988 |
VOL 33 No.2 | The Nullarbor Encounter. | Summer 1988 |
VOL 33 No.1 | An Italian Pilot's Sighting. | Spring 1988 |
VOL 32 No.6 | UFO Chase in China. | Nov 1987 |
VOL 32 No.5 | Forty Years On: Kenneth Arnold and the F.B.I. | Aug 1987 |
VOL 32 No.4 | The "Bent Headlight Beams", Case Revisited. | Jun 1987 |
VOL 32 No.3 | The Attitude of the Spanish Authorities towards UFO's. | Apr 1987 |
VOL 32 No.2 | Saved by Jupiter. | Feb 1987 |
VOL 32 No.1 | Enormous UFO over N.E. Spain. | Dec 1986 |
VOL 31 No.6 | Follow-up on the Bagshot Heath Close Encounter. | Oct 1986 |
VOL 31 No.5 | Mystery Swirled Rings in England (1985). | Jul 1986 |
VOL 31 No.4 | The Jinn and the Dolmen: The Most Amazing Abduction Case Yet. |
May 1986 |
VOL 31 No.3 | More on the "Boomerang"-"Large as Two Football Fields". | Mar 1986 |
VOL 31 No.2 | Close Encounter on Bagshot Heath. | Jan 1986 |
VOL 31 No.1 | Top U.S. Scientist Admits Crashed UFO's. | Oct 1985 |
VOL 30 No.6 | A Landing at Varzi, Italy. | Aug 1985 |
VOL 30 No.5 | The Soria Abduction: Part III. | Jun 1985 |
VOL 30 No.4 | The Soria Abduction: Part II. | May 1985 |
VOL 30 No.3 | The Soria Abduction: Part I. | Feb 1985 |
VOL 30 No.2 | UFO Alert at a Nato Base in Italy. | Dec 1984 |
VOL 30 No.1 | More Tell-Tale Photostats. | Oct 1984 |
VOL 29 No.6 | More About the Adventures of a Very Peculiar Lighthouse. | Aug 1984 |
VOL 29 No.5 | U.S. Air Force Base's Radar Knocked Out By a UFO. | Jun 1984 |
VOL 29 No.4 | Some Multiple Sightings From Bluebook's Files. | Apr 1984 |
VOL 29 No.3 | Canadian Rock-Band Abducted. | Mar 1984 |
VOL 29 No.2 | A Landing and Close Encounter Near Aldershot. | Dec 1983 |
VOL 29 No.1 | A Brief Account of the True Nature of the "UFO Entities". | Oct 1983 |
VOL 28 No.6 | Are The Reasons For The Cover-Up Solely Scientific. | Aug 1983 |
VOL 28 No.5 | "The Little Oriental Airman". | Jun 1983 |
VOL 28 No.4 | Television Interview with Admiral The Lord Hill-Norton. | Mar 1983 |
VOL 28 No.3 | Burnt by a UFO's Laser Beam? | Jan 1983 |
VOL 28 No.2 | The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II. |
Nov 1982 |
VOL 28 No.1 | The Return of the "Cyclopes"? | Aug 1982 |
VOL 27 No.6 | The Rendlesham Forest Mystery. | Jun 1982 |
VOL 27 No.5 | Dr. Felix Zigel' and Ufology in Russia. | Mar 1982 |
VOL 27 No.4 | Civil Jet Crew Sights UFO. | Jan 1982 |
VOL 27 No.3 | CE-III Report from Finland. | Nov 1981 |
VOL 27 No.2 | A Policeman's Lot. | Aug 1981 |
VOL 27 No.1 | Ufology In The USSR. | Jun 1981 |
VOL 26 No.6 | Contact Near Pyrogovskoye Lake. | Mar 1981 |
VOL 26 No.5 | Did Flying Saucers Land at Broadlands? | Jan 1981 |
VOL 26 No.4 | Dionisio Llanca and the Ufonauts. | Nov 1980 |
VOL 26 No.3 | Four Young Men and a UFO. | Sep 1980 |
VOL 26 No.2 | Seven UFO's Seen from B-36 Bomber. | Aug 1980 |
VOL 26 No.1 | A Re-viewing of the Great Nocturnal Light. | Jun 1980 |
VOL 25 No.6 | Physical Assault by Unidentified Objects at Livingston. | Apr 1980 |
VOL 25 No.5 | The "Cat-Flap" Effect. | Mar 1980 |
VOL 25 No.4 | Retrievals of the Third Kind. Also in Vol 25, 5 & 6. |
Nov 1979 |
VOL 25 No.3 | The Sunderland Family Encounters. | Sep 1979 |
VOL 25 No.2 | The Tourist Theory, or why they are here. | Jul 1979 |
VOL 25 No.1 | Thirty Years After Kenneth Arnold: A Summing Up. |
May 1979 |
VOL 24 No.6 | UFO's Debated At The United Nations. | Apr 1979 |
VOL 24 No.5 | The Missing Cessna And The UFO. | Mar 1979 |
VOL 24 No.4 | Landing At Uzez France. | Jan 1979 |
VOL 24 No.3 | Landing in Yugoslavia. | Nov 1978 |
VOL 24 No.2 | The Ufonaut's Plea For Water. | Aug 1978 |
VOL 24 No.1 | Bent Spoons, Or Bent Reality? | Jun 1978 |
VOL 23 No.6 | Stack Rocks Humanoid Display. | Apr 1978 |
VOL 23 No.5 | Encounter At Talavera. | Feb 1978 |
VOL 23 No.4 | The Man-In-Black Syndrome. | Jan 1978 |
VOL 23 No.3 | Canary Islands Landing & Occupants Reported. | Oct 1977 |
VOL 23 No.2 | Frightening Car Stop Near Nelson. | Aug 1977 |
VOL 23 No.1 | Broadhaven School Report. | Jun 1977 |
VOL 22 No.6 | Swedish Scientist's Unique UFO Pictures. | Apr 1977 |
VOL 22 No.5 | UFO & Silver Suited Entity Seen Near Winchester. | Feb 1977 |
VOL 22 No.4 | UFO-Helicopter Close Encounter Over Ohio. | Dec 1976 |
VOL 22 No.3 | The "Stonehenge" Incidents Of January 1975. | Oct 1976 |
VOL 22 No.2 | The Nightmare Experience Of Monsieur Cyrus. | Aug 1976 |
VOL 22 No.1 | Benacazon Landing and Humanoids. | Jun 1976 |
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